1. Folders Management

1.1 Create a Folder.

The default folder Your labs from PNETLab Store will be auto created when you download Lab form Store.

To create new folder, click on button  on Main Page. A new Folder will be create with default name is New Folder change this name as you want


1.2 Delete a Folder.

Hover on Folder and click on delete button or select folder and click on delete button.

1.3 Edit a Folder

Hover on Item then click on Rename button or select on only one folder and click on  button 

1.4 Move the folder

Hover on Item then drag the Move button then drag on the folder you want to change to.

You can move multi Folder at the same time by select all the item you want to move and lick on   Move button.


2. Lab Management

The lab have all function similar with Folder. You can hover on the lab item and click on function buttons or tick to select lab and use function buttons on function bar.